Beyond quick-and-dirty conversions

Thrillbent's Mark Waid shows how to enhance the reading experience

I’m convinced some publishers think the current state of the ebook market is all they need. They’re comfortable taking their print products and making them available as ebooks. No thought is given to how the reading experience can be improved on the digital platform.

At TOC NY a couple of weeks ago we saw a terrific exception to this kind of thinking. The presenter’s name is Mark Waid and his company is Thrillbent. I should point out that Thrillbent is in the digital comics business. I’ll also admit that I’ve never been a comics fan…or at least I wasn’t until I saw Mark’s TOC presentation.

What won me over? He’s taking the time to carefully think about how the reading experience can be enhanced as we shift from print to digital. He’s not using technology for technology’s sake. In fact, he talked about how he’s resisted the temptation to add certain digital elements because he believes they’re not in the best interest of the reader.

I encourage you to watch Mark’s entire TOC NY presentation below. It’s an inspiring talk we can all learn from and apply to our businesses.

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