Google Reaches Book Search Settlement

Google has announced a settlement plan for the suits filed by the Association of American Publishers and the Authors' Guild. From the Google Book Search site: Today we're delighted to announce that we've settled that lawsuit and will be working closely with these industry partners to bring even more of the world's books online.Together we'll accomplish far more than any…

News Roundup: Digging Around Amazon's Topaz Format, Twitter Novels, June Ebook Sales Up 87% Over '07

Digging Around Amazon's Topaz File Format Late Night Code is popping the hood on Topaz, that mysterious "other" file format used on the Kindle: Mobipocket files purchased from Amazon have an AZW extension (which presumably stands for Amazon Whispernet – the name of the Kindle wireless download service). Mobipocket files from other sources will have a MOBI or PRC…

IDPF: Boundaries of Participation

I wanted to add a few of my own thoughts to Andrew's last post on the AAP and the IDPF. I agree that there is too much emphasis on a replication of the print page, and too little engagement in re-envisioning the product so that it supports a diversity of distribution channels and ultimately, product conceptualizations. For that matter, many…

Looking at EPUB's Flexibility and Fidelity

Jon Noring at TeleRead discusses the fundamental importance of the AAP's endorsement of the EPUB specification and format: The following two points in AAP’s letter are germane to this article: 1. AAP sees retailers selling EPUB directly to consumers … as well as selling derivative formats converted from EPUB. Publishers understand the great flexibility that EPUB provides. 2. AAP…

AAP Passive-Aggressively Endorses EPUB

Note: Most of this post was drafted on the train ride back from New York on Wednesday night, and I held off posting it because I thought it sounded too snarky. Well, a day later I still think it sounds snarky, but that's a consequence of how strongly I feel about this stuff. I really do have a lot…

Report: Book Sales Up 7 Percent in Early '08

Association of American Publisher data shows a 7.2 percent jump in book sales for Jan. '08.