The Holocene: TOC Startup Showcase Finalist

A direct-to-consumer multimedia micromagazine and platform

We’re giving our readers a chance to get to know our TOC Startup Showcase Finalists a little bit better before the big showdown in NYC. We’re featuring the startups with a personality profile here on our website.

Our next profile is from Kim Werker, Brett Sandusky, and Corey Pressman from The Holocene.

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Exploring DIY E-Reader Platforms

Don't like any of the e-readers currently available? Here are some ideas on building your own.

A Passion for Reading

Several items about books: Stephen Levy writes in his Newsweek cover story on the Kindle and Jeff Bezos: "When making mental lists of the most whiz-bangy technological creations in our lives, […] we may overlook an object that is superbly designed, wickedly functional, infinitely useful and beloved more passionately than any gadget in a Best Buy: the book." Elizabeth Hardwick,…