Not a self-publisher, far from a traditional publisher

Not a self-publisher, far from a traditional publisher

Jesse Potash on how he's approaching the publishing model differently with Pubslush Press.

In this podcast, Jesse Potash, founder of Pubslush Press, talks about how his company differs from self-publishing platforms — and from Kickstarter — and how he’s using it to help eradicate global illiteracy.

Giving kids access to almost any book in the world

Giving kids access to almost any book in the world

Elizabeth Wood on Worldreader's work to improve literacy in the developing world.

For many kids, Worldreader provides the only opportunity they may have to access books. In this interview, Worldreaders' Elizabeth Wood explains how ereaders and access can make a difference.

Reading Campaign Taps Web Trickery

The following is for entertainment/information purposes only. Don't blame us when you get fired for reading Animal Farm on the job. Read at Work is a Web site that displays a Windows XP overlay on your computer (in itself not all that impressive … especially if you're on a Mac). But look closer and you'll see that the clickable…