ENTRIES TAGGED "publishing enterprise"

Inkling takes the edge off publishing’s digital shift

Inkling's Matt MacInnis announces the public release of Inkling Habitat to work in concert with its Content Discovery Platform.

At an event at Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York City Monday night, Matt MacInnis, founder and CEO of Inkling, announced the public release of the company’s Inkling Habitat platform, a free, collaborative digital publishing environment. The cloud-based platform allows book editors, developers and designers to collaborate, integrate multimedia and enhanced content, publish to multiple platforms, and preview the content presentation across platforms.

The announcement is notable on a couple of fronts. On one end of the spectrum, you have publishers who for decades have defined content by containers. On the other, you have digital content, which works best when it remains fluid and agile. The space between these points is where you’ll find the disruption and stress the industry knows so well. It’s hard to transition from one product to another. It’s even harder to shift to an entirely new mindset.

A platform like Inkling’s keeps much of the technical and cognitive overhead behind the scenes, which lets publishers move down a path they know they have to take.

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