News Roundup: Google Mobile App Taps Amazon for Data, Orphan Works and Copyright Confusion, Arguing Against "Freemium," Digital Marketing Examples for Publishers, DRM on Comeback Trail?

A Google-Amazon Mobile Application

Android Scan, one of the winners from the Google Android Developer Challenge, uses cell phone cameras and barcode recognition to tap into Amazon’s review database. (Continue reading)

Orphan Works Legislation and Copyright Conundrums

Kenny Crews at Collectanea says the orphan works bills in the House and Senate impose hurdles for scholarly/research/casual uses. Crews offers a real but slightly absurd example to illustrate the point. (Continue reading)

An Argument Against “Freemium” Content

The “pay to remove ads” model — also known as “freemium” — is inherently flawed, argues Andrew Parker:

Why? Because the people in your audience with disposable income who are willing to pay for web services are the same ones that will self-select out of your audience for your ads. So, all that remains in your audience are people that are too cheap to opt out. That doesn’t sound like the audience that Disney (DIS), Coca Cola (CKE), or even your average direct response advertiser wants to reach.

A Comeback for DRM?

Digital rights management (DRM) discussions abated in recent months as some companies gravitated toward DRM-free formats, but the calm came to an abrupt end recently when David Hughes from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) predicted a comeback for DRM. From

“I think there is going to be a shift,” Hughes said during the Digital Hollywood conference. “I think there will be a movement towards subscription services, and (that) will eventually mean the return of DRM.” (Continue reading)

A Look at Book Publishing’s Opportunities in Digital Marketing

Richard Bawden and Mark Harding from KPMG discuss future scenarios for book marketing and product enhancement:

With virtual worlds like Second Life and social networking destined to splinter into hubs focused on shared interests, publishers and retailers are in a strong position to leverage people’s love of books … Publishers must also consider how books on screen can enhance the reading experience, with sound and vision adding extra dimensions. Think of the crunch that the snow could make as Lucy walks through the wardrobe and enters Narnia for the first time, offering extra sensory pleasure to younger readers. (Continue reading)

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