TOC Recommended Reading

Direct-To-Fan: Radiohead, Marillion And The End Of Labels (Robert Andrews,

80s rock group Marillion, hardly a Top 10 draw nowadays, engages its fans so closely that they funded its latest album to the tune of £360,000. Erik Nielsen, who masterminded the strategy as MD of Marillion’s Intact Records business arm, told our London EconMusic conference: “About a decade ago, we set out to release the bonds of the record companies over the artists. We worked out that we needed 5,000 fans to finance an album – when 12,000 did, we thought ‘well, we can do this now’. We’ve continued to do that since 1999.” By releasing the digital version of that album specifically on to P2P networks this month – “just to see what might happen, because we knew it was going to happen anyway” – the band has tripled its normal sales of physical deluxe copies.

State of the Blogosphere: The How of Blogging (Technorati)

One in four bloggers spends ten hours or more blogging each week. The most influential bloggers are even more prolific. Using Technorati Index data, we analyzed the posting and tagging behaviors of bloggers according to their Technorati Authority. Over half of the Technorati top authority bloggers post five or more times per day, and they are twice as likely to tag their blog posts compared to other bloggers.

Why the Financial Times can charge for metered content (Jason Preston, Eat Sleep Publish)

Those people who are just passing through and “joining the conversation” can be given free access, while those people who are your actual customers will be asked to pay for their content. By metering their content instead of simply throttling it like the New York Times did, FT is able to keep their content out from behind a wall while still charging for it. [Emphasis included in original post.]

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