One of the ongoing goals for the TOC Conference is to encourage the sharing of success stories and of the lessons learned from failed experiments and initiatives. For 2009, we’re going to try something a bit different to add to the discussion, and we want your help.
Tell us about your experience (good or bad!) with a new technology, technique, or strategy based on the shifting publishing landscape. We’d especially love to hear about efforts based on what you learned at a previous TOC Conference. We’ll pick four submissions to present as part of a panel at the 2009 TOC Conference. If you’re selected, you’ll receive a complimentary admission to the full conference.
We’re looking for personal accounts. We want to hear the key actions that led to success or failure, as well as what you’ve learned from the experience. Submissions can be in whatever format best suits your story: text, video, etc.
Send your story to toc AT before Nov. 10.