Here’s a sliver of positivity from the gloomy news business: Politico’s content sharing network has added more than 100 clients since launching in September. From Editor & Publisher:
Politico Network, which makes the political news Web site’s content available in exchange for advertising placement, launched Sept. 9, according to Beth Frerking, an assistant managing editor.
Newspapers and broadcast outlets utilize the content for their Web sites in exchange for placing advertisements provided by Politico, with revenue shared by both.
Frerking says different content packages are available that provide between five and 15 Politico items per week. The more content the client uses, the less their share of the ad revenue.
“We sell ads for the entire network and the revenue is based on how much you use, either 50%, 40% or 30%,” she explained. “Rather than charging you for it, it works like this.”
CNN is also getting into the sharing/subscription game via its recently announced wire service, which is positioned as an alternative to the Associated Press wire.