Below you’ll find the full recording from the TOC webcast, “Essential Tools of an XML Workflow,” with Laura Dawson.
About this Webcast:
This webcast is for those publishers who have made the decision to pursue digital channels for their content. What tools are out there? What do all those acronyms mean? How can publishers implement new strategies without disrupting current workflows? Here we explore the alphabet soup of digital publishing, sort out the tools that are most useful, and help publishers find some solid ground.
Running time: 57:41
About Laura Dawson:
Laura Dawson is a 20-year veteran of the book industry, having worked in e-commerce (Barnes &, libraries (SirsiDynix), and publishing (Doubleday and Bantam). She is now an independent consultant offering expertise on the digital transition, and she writes a bi-weekly newsletter about issues in that transition called “The Big Picture”. Her clients have included McGraw-Hill, Alibris, Ingram Library Services, Bowker, and Muze.
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