Google Opens Mobile Access to Public-Domain Books

Via a Google press release, word that visiting provides mobile access to 1.5 million public-domain books from within Google Book Search:

Today, we’re making it possible for anyone with an Android or an iPhone to find and read more than 1.5 million public domain books in the US (more than half a million outside the US) in the Google Book Search index for free on their mobile phone, from anywhere with Internet access. It’s possible for a commuter on a passenger train to read classics like Pride and Prejudice right along with lesser known works like Novels and Letters of Jane Austen, or for a student in India to read Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” on her iPhone, all via a simple website accessible from your mobile phone.

So far, the mobile edition only offers browser-based access (Web-style scrolling, no offline access, no remember-my-place), but an interesting addition to the emerging and important mobile reading space. Screenshot below (or click here if you can’t see the screenshot).


Google will be at next week’s TOC Conference talking about the past, present and future of GBS.

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