Nearly 800 O'Reilly and Microsoft Press titles now available in iBookstore

There are now nearly 800 O’Reilly and Microsoft Press titles available in the iBookstore, with several hundred more to come in the weeks ahead. Ebooks are already a big part of our publishing business, and we know many are read on iOS devices. Having those ebooks available for sale in the iBookstore makes it even easier to find, buy, and read hundreds of O’Reilly and Microsoft Press titles on iOS devices. As always, there’s no DRM on ebooks sold by O’Reilly, so it’s easy to read the open-standard EPUB files purchased from the iBookstore on nearly any device with EPUB support.

Several titles that in print form included supplemental material on CD or DVD are being repackaged to more clearly indicate where that supplemental material can be found for ebook customers, and those titles will be added to the iBookstore gradually in the coming weeks.

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For now iBooks availability is limited to the US and Canada, though our intention is to make the full catalog of titles from O’Reilly, Microsoft Press, and all of our digital distribution clients available in every territory with an iBookstore. Unfortunately, for now iBooks does not support updates for ebooks, but each title includes information about how to upgrade your iBookstore purchase with for $4.99 to get access to additional DRM-free formats and free lifetime updates.

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