Among the many exciting events taking place during TOC this year, we’ll be hosting the W3C’s first eBook workshop, “eBooks: Great Expectations for Web Standards – A W3C Workshop on Electronic Books and the Open Web Platform.”
The workshop – organized in partnership with IDPF and BISG – is free, but is limited to 80 registrants (with no more than two attendees per any one organization). To be considered for participation, attendees are required to submit a position paper explaining their perspectives on a workshop topic of their choice (see for workshop topics) by December 10. Participants should have an active interest in the area chosen, ensuring other workshop attendees will benefit from the their presence in the discussion. Click here for more information on the CFP.
Given O’Reilly’s commitment to the Open Web, we are honored to be hosting this inaugural workshop, and truly excited about the wonderful opportunities presented for participants of both events to network, exchange ideas, and further conversations around the topics each are exploring.
I’ve received a number of inquiries about the workshop, so with some help from the W3C’s Karen Myers and Ivan Herman, I’ve put together some FAQs below to hopefully shed some light on the goals and format/structure of the eBook workshop:
How are participants and topics for the W3C eBook Workshop chosen?
Participants are requested to submit a short position paper outlining their interest, their goals, and their standpoint on some technical issues that they deem important for their companies and institutions. A very light reviewing process should ensure that only appropriate topics are addressed.
What will take place at the W3C eBook Workshop?
W3C workshops identify and plan future work. The goal is to identify those technical standardization areas where some joint work, under the auspices of W3C and partners, is necessary and possible, and also to draft plans on how those actions should be pursued. Attendees are expected to be active participants in discussions, either in plenary or in break-out groups. Participants may be asked to make a short or longer presentation based on their submission papers and outlining their opinions and views. Most of these presentations should happen on the first day of the event.
Is eligibility to attend the workshop limited to W3C members?
No. W3C Workshops are designed to engage a broad community of experts and are therefore open to members and non-members of W3C to contribute their ideas and use cases/requirements. However, once standardization work is scoped in a charter and a W3C working group is formed, the work is carried out by representatives of member organizations. (The W3C of course encourages those interested in this work to participate as members as well!)
Does W3C workshop registration grant access to TOC? Is TOC registration required to attend the W3C workshop?
W3C Workshop attendance does not grant access to the TOC conference (and TOC registration does not grant access to the W3C Workshop). Attendance to the W3C eBook Workshop is free, but by invitation only. If you propose a paper and are accepted to participate in the W3C eBook Workshop, you are not required to register to attend TOC – however, we highly encourage W3C Workshop participants to register for TOC as well, and a 20% discount code is available via the W3C for Workshop attendees.
If you have additional questions, please feel free to send them our way and we’ll make sure you get an answer.