BookMachine: TOC Startup Showcase Finalist

Bringing people together and seeing the great new projects that result

We’re giving our readers a chance to get to know our TOC Startup Showcase Finalists a little bit better before the big showdown in NYC. We’re featuring the startups with a personality profile here on our website.

Our next profile is by Laura Austin, Gavin Summers, and Titash Neogi from BookMachine.

I’m really good at …

bookmachine Laura Austin

Laura Austin

Bringing publishing professionals together offline. Our events in London, Oxford and New York are packed full of publishers, authors, developers, and designers, and we have new cities added all the time; our new online service,, aims to bring everyone in the industry together on the web, and help them easily find each other.

What is the first thing that people notice about you?

There’s no cliques – from our very first social in London where 9 people turned up, through to the busy events we have now, the idea has been that whether you’re a junior coder or top level executive, BookMachine is for you. We don’t do ‘formal’ or ‘exclusive’; this is a place for people who really make publishing happen.

The three things your friends say you are…

bookmachine Titash Neogi

Titash Neogi

Fun, creative, and busy.

What are your three BEST life skills?

Socializing (definitely), finding new adventures and unique experiences, and finding pleasure in simple things, all three of which you should find on our site 😉

What are you most passionate about?

Bringing people together, making valuable introductions, and seeing the great new projects that result.

What is the one thing that people don’t notice about you right away that you wish they would?

bookmachine Gavin Summers

Gavin Summers

The sheer number of people involved in the network, from those attending the events, to others reading our site. The vision is that a publisher from New York could visit Oxford, for example, and instantly find familiarity in the BookMachine network there.

Your best (and most sincere) VC pickup line reduced to the length of a tweet…

Discover the publishing industry online – find collaborators with the skills you need for today.

Complete this phrase: Valentine’s Day is for _______________.

…plugging in to BookMachine!

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