We’re giving our readers a chance to get to know our TOC Startup Showcase Finalists a little bit better before the big showdown in NYC. We’re featuring the startups with a personality profile here on our website.
Our next profile is by Daniel Fountenberry from Borne Digital.
I’m really good at …
Tech stuff (I’m BORNe digital, baby!);
Nerdy stuff (REALLY into books!);
Adapting (for work I create books that adapt to children’s reading level);
Building my bright future (so says my grandma);
Creative romancing, oops, I mean, writing.
What is the first thing that people notice about you?
I’m a great storyteller (I can keep it simple or make it really complex, as long as it teaches a lesson);
I’m great with kids (seriously);
I’m really friendly (anyone who wants to publish is my BFF!).
The three things your friends say you are…
Analytical (data is king and I know how to use it!);
Collaborative (I’m easy to get along with and willing to be part of a team to make things happen);
Forward thinking (what I’m doing now everyone will be doing tomorrow).
What are your three BEST life skills?
I’m an open book – it’s up to you if you want to read me or write me…
I’m flexible (be it Android or iOS).
I gain fulfillment from my work – raising a new generation of readers and leaders.
And as a bonus, here’s a fourth life skill: I’m very optimistic – I believe I’m the future!
What are you most passionate about?
Helping kids read: I want to help all children reach their full potential. But so many children can’t learn because they can’t read! I want to help publishers produce adaptive digital books that can respond to a child’s needs. Many teenagers and adults need adaptive books too.
And saving the world, of course.
What is the one thing that people don’t notice about you right away that you wish they would?
I’m a little shy to admit this, but I think it’s better that you know it right now. This is Borne Digital’s very “first time.” TOC will be our first time unveiling ourselves to the world. We are very proud to be the earliest stage company in the competition. We’re on the cutting edge to technology and eager to find our first partner. Will it be you?
Your best (and most sincere) VC pickup line reduced to the length of a tweet…
I’m an educator and publisher of children’s books. My books are adaptive – they become easier or more difficult according to the child who’s reading. Want to help me write them? #futureofreading #bemyvalentine #bornedigital
Complete this phrase: Valentine’s Day is for _______________.
…anyone who ♥s books!