Kevin Shockey

Kevin is freelance artist, author, project manager, publisher, sculptor, and speaker. He's currently working on "Guagua Pública: The New Transmedia Producer and founding a community to promote his vision. Previously he founded Dó and the SNAP Platform SNAPPIX. He's an O'Reilly Media author and speaker and was also Editor in Chief of TUX Magazine.

TOC's Wednesday Devices, and Gadgets and EReaders Update

As you can see, this sector is rapidly becoming more complicated, which is why we've decided to dedicate some of our attention on the ever-changing landscape of devices, gadgets, and ereaders.

Book Publicity and Marketing: How Soon was Yesterday?

I spoke to a touring author last week who repeated this phrase about 9 times over a one hour coffee date.  “Everything’s changed.” She wasn’t talking about digital pricing, vanishing review coverage, closing independent bookstores or KindlePadNookKobos (KPNK’s) although I’m sure they had crossed her mind plenty. No, this afternoon she was a single-minded author/chief salesperson with a book to…