ENTRIES TAGGED "device update"
Device update: Analyzing the publishing value chain
Ereaders get the attention for now; new tablets from Sharp and RIM.
As the changes in the publishing value chain become clearer, electronic manufacturing giants Sharp and Research in Motion make new tablet announcements.
Device update: The latest multifunction innovations
News on HTC Desire Z, enTourage eDGe and Dell's Convertible Duo.
Illustrating how quickly manufacturers are innovating, we look at new multifunction devices from HTC, Entourage, and Dell.
Device update: Analysts bullish on ereaders
News on Elonex tablets, Samsung Galaxy Tab, and Velocity Micro Cruz.
In this week's device update: Research reports conclude ereader demand is on the upswing. Plus: info on Samsung's Galaxy Tab, tablets from Elonex, and more.