ENTRIES TAGGED "journalism"
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What's Really Killing Newspapers (Jack Shafer, Slate) Other institutions do far better jobs at issuing social currency these days. What is Facebook but the Federal Reserve Bank of social currency? And it's all social currency you can use! Like cocktail chatter, a Facebook posting–be it a link, a list, a photo, or travel plans–conveys the message, I am here….
Photo Blog Shows Innovation Still Alive in Media Orgs
Alan Taylor's side project — Boston.com's Big Picture photo blog — is notable for its simplicity and its residence within a large media organization.
Photography Up, Photojournalists Down
In a Columbia Journalism Review essay, Alissa Quart looks at the future of photojournalism, which is not unlike that of journalists now that everyone has a camera in their hands: While professional photographers are suffering, news photography and photography of all kinds is flourishing. Citizens around the world can cheaply photograph and distribute images of their own countries and…
How Hackers Show it's Not All Bad News at the New York Times
The hacking-friendly culture within the New York Times just may save the organization.
Acknowledge and Move On: A Useful Debate Format
Mindy McAdams outlines 10 facts that need to be left behind in "future of journalism" discussions. The same debate format would benefit book publishing as well.
Downward Slide Continues for Newspaper Revenue
The news, for newspapers, is monotonically downwards. From the New York Times: On top of long-term changes in the industry, the weak economy is also hurting ad sales, especially in Florida and California, where the severe contraction of the housing markets has cut deeply into real estate ads. Executives at the Hearst Corporation say that one of their biggest…
The Rise of "Found" Media
Alissa Quart's editorial in the Columbia Journalism Review compares "Lost Media" (magazines, newspapers) with "Found Media" (blogs, Web efforts, etc.), and how different generations interpret journalism's current standing: Right now, journalism is more or less divided into two camps, which I will call Lost Media and Found Media. I went to the Nieman conference partially because I wanted to…
Glimmer of Positivity in Media Industry Analysis
Subtle examples of digital innovation and positive perspectives are emerging in media industry reports. These same elements could benefit book publishing.
Newspaper Circulation Falls to WWII Levels
Population growth and newspaper circulation are going in opposite directions. From Reflections of a Newsosaur: Though circulation has fallen back to pre-Baby Boom levels, the population has more than doubled since 1946. If you divide circulation by population, you will find that fewer than 18 out of 100 Americans today buy a daily or Sunday newspaper. Back in 1946,…
The Inertia of Digital Turf Wars
Two recent news stories illustrate the problems that arise when traditional businesses go after digital envelope pushers.