One author’s Kickstarter experience

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David Lang is working on a book project for O’Reilly called “Zero to Maker: A Re-Skilling Guide for New Makers”. Like some authors these days, David is using Kickstarter to get the project off the ground. I was recently introduced to David and thought it would be good to share his Kickstarter experience with the TOC community. Here’s what he had to say…

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Sensors, data, UI and the future of publishing

Tweets and related information from Tim O'Reilly's Silverchair Strategies 2011 presentation.

In a recent keynote address, Tim O'Reilly looked at how sensors, data and interfaces will shape information delivery.

Exploring DIY E-Reader Platforms

Don't like any of the e-readers currently available? Here are some ideas on building your own.

A Passion for Reading

Several items about books: Stephen Levy writes in his Newsweek cover story on the Kindle and Jeff Bezos: "When making mental lists of the most whiz-bangy technological creations in our lives, […] we may overlook an object that is superbly designed, wickedly functional, infinitely useful and beloved more passionately than any gadget in a Best Buy: the book." Elizabeth Hardwick,…