ENTRIES TAGGED "public domain"
Fair use: A narrow, subjective, complicated safe haven for free speech
Attorney Miles Feldman on the ins and outs of fair use.
Litigation and intellectual property attorney Miles Feldman addresses issues of fair use, including the deciding factors courts consider, research tools to determine the status of works, and Creative Commons licensing.
Public domain here, under copyright there
The interesting thing about Golan v. Holder is that a decision either way will have big implications.
The Golan v. Holder copyright case the US Supreme Court agreed to hear not only will affect foreign copyrights in the US, but it’s likely to affect US copyrights — one way or the other — abroad as well.
Sony-Google Deal Adds 500k Public Domain Books to E-Reader
Sony is adding 500,000 public domain EPUB-based titles to its Reader catalog through a partnership with Google. Paul Biba at Teleread examines Sony's rationale: Sony's apparent intent, meanwhile, beyond adding value to the Reader, will be to use public domain books in ePub to entice people to install its software and in time buy its reader devices. In the…
Open Source, Community and Audiobooks: Q&A with LibriVox Founder Hugh McGuire
LibriVox is a volunteer effort with a big goal: record audiobook editions for every title in the public domain. In this Q&A, LibriVox founder Hugh McGuire discusses the project's beginnings, the organic development of the LibriVox community, and the distinctions (or lack thereof) between "professional" and "amateur" efforts.