Liability vs. leverage

How writers lose when "piracy" gets harder

[Editor’s note: Be sure to catch Cory Doctorow’s opening keynote at next month’s TOC Author (R)evolution Day in NY.]

How much will your publisher pay you?

There’s a short, easy answer to this: as little as they can. Not because they’re heartless monsters, but because businesses pay as little as they can for their supplies, and charge as much as they can for their products*.

But that’s an abstract answer. The more concrete one — exactly how much will your publisher pay you? — hinges on how many other people have books that can fill the same niche for the publisher, and how many other publishers there are looking to fill that niche. In other words, the amount you get turns on supply and demand.

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Publishing News: Let's remember why we got into this business

Publishing News: Let's remember why we got into this business

Lavar Burton on the power of storytelling and other highlights from TOC 2012.

LeVar Burton's TOC keynote takes publishing back to its fundamentals; Joe Karaganis says opposition to SOPA isn't enough, we also need we good alternatives; and bookseller Praveen Madan says the future of bookstores hinges on experiences … and perhaps partnering with Amazon.

Publishing News: Apple's textbook foray may not be as disruptive as it hoped

Publishing News: Apple's textbook foray may not be as disruptive as it hoped

Apple takes on textbooks, an insider dishes on publishing denial, and how SOPA would affect publishing.

Apple’s big event this week marked the first step in its disruption of education — or did it? Elsewhere, a publishing insider calls it like it is, and (finally) the SOPA/PIPA discussion includes the publishing industry.

Publishing News: The 99-cent problem

Publishing News: The 99-cent problem

Author Melissa Foster on cheap books, geeks join the battle against SOPA, and the future of storytelling arrives.

An author shares her views on the 99-cent price point, a new Firefox add-on uncensors SOPA's censorship, and "The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore" app really is fantastic.

Publishing News: Tech patent wars spill into the book world

Publishing News: Tech patent wars spill into the book world

B&N takes issue with Microsoft's patents, Congress held a SOPA hearing, and authors decry Amazon's Lending Library.

B&N’s position against Microsoft was made public, causing quite a dust-up. Also, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) hearing was as controversial as the Act itself, and the Authors Guild says the Kindle Owner’s Lending Library breaches contracts.