Webcast Video: Essential Tools of an XML Workflow

Below you'll find the full recording from the TOC webcast, "Essential Tools of an XML Workflow," with Laura Dawson….

New York Times Opens "Best Sellers API"

The New York Times on Tuesday opened up its "Best Sellers API," offering programmatic access to best-seller data (going back to 1930!) from the Times: The Times Best Sellers API gives you quick access to current and past best-seller lists in 11 different categories, such as Hardcover Nonfiction and Paperback Mass-Market Fiction. The initial launch offers every weekly list…

Presentations from the StartWithXML Forum

The following slides accompanied many of the presentations during the StartWithXML forum, held Jan. 13, 2009 in New York City. XML–Why Bother? David Young, Hachette Book Group USA As Chairman and CEO of one of America's leading trade publishers, David Young presents the executive perspective on the role of XML technologies in the increasingly complex business of creating and selling…

Coverage of StartWithXML

Turns out I was not the only one on Twitter for the StartwithXML Forum on January 13th. Joe Bachana was tweeting as well. Kind of interesting to see the posts side-by-side. David Rothman of Teleread also has some great things to say, as does Richard Curtis over at e-reads. We also got nice coverage from PW, as well as Publishers…

BeyondPrint Offers Helpful Review of StartWithXML

A review of the StartWithXML forum and research paper supports the effort but questions why we are silent on the quality of XML tools.

Slides from "Essential Tools of an XML Workflow" Webcast

Laura Dawson has made her slides available from the recent TOC Webcast, "Essential Tools of an XML Workflow." A complete recording of the event will be posted here soon. View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: xml swxml)…

[TOC Webcast] Essential Tools of an XML Workflow

Tools of Change for Publishing, in conjunction with StartWithXML, will host "Essential Tools of an XML Workflow," a free webcast with presenter Laura Dawson, on Thursday, Dec. 11 at 1 p.m. eastern (10 a.m. pacific). Webcast Overview This webcast is for those publishers who have made the decision to pursue digital channels for their content. What tools are out…

Webcast Video: What Publishers Need to Know about Digitization

Below you'll find the full recording from the recent TOC Webcast, "What Publishers Need to Know about Digitization," with Liza Daly….

A Correction!

Frank Grazioli, of Wiley, writes in to correct my last post about taxonomies: Wiley has been exploring taxonomies for its travel content business; the cooking/psych/accounting spaces might be our next logical opportunities because the disciplines are well developed, specific, etc., that content is authored or edited in fairly controlled templates that map to our own XML content models and our…

Slides from "What Publishers Need to Know about Digitization" Webcast

Slides from the "What Publishers Need to Know about Digitization" webcast.