Watch the YouTube Video, Buy the Product
YouTube's Content ID service, something we've covered in the past, gives publishers two options for handling unauthorized videos: the material can be removed from YouTube or it can be turned into advertising/revenue opportunities. An article in today's New York Times shows which option Google prefers — Content ID can now be used to associate "click-to-buy" links with video clips:…
Piracy and Advertising: An Unlikely Union that Just Might Work
Some publishers are turning pirated YouTube clips into advertising opportunities.
Ruling: Consider Fair Use Before Issuing Takedowns
A fairly significant ruling came down Wednesday in Lenz v. Universal, a rather infamous case where Universal Music Publishing Group issued a takedown against a YouTube video of a young child dancing to a song in the background — a song in which Universal maintained some rights. Universal later acknowledged that this was a fair use of the music,…
New "Libraries" Bring New Privacy Implications
As Google, Amazon and others become de facto digital libraries — and lawsuits emerge — Jeff Jarvis wonders what this means for users' privacy. From BuzzMachine: Any site with content — Google, Amazon, a newspaper, a blog, an ISP — is now the moral equivalent of a library or bookstore, two institutions that try hard not to hand over…
Mark Cuban: Copyright Law Gives Hulu Advantage Over YouTube
Mark Cuban says the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (PDF) gives Hulu a distinct advantage over YouTube: Hulu has one HUGE advantage over YouTube, it has the right to sell advertising in and around every single video on its site. It can package and sell any way that might make its customers happy. YouTube on the other hand, has that right…