ENTRIES TAGGED "applications"

Amazon and Google Challenging iTunes through Mobile

T-Mobile's Android-based mobile phone will include a connection to Amazon's MP3 store. From Wired's Listening Post: Owners of the device will be able to browse, search, preview and purchase music on the Amazon MP3 store using the phone's cellular connection. In order for purchased MP3s to download, the phone must be connected via Wi-Fi. (The mobile iTunes store, on…

Stanza E-Reader Catching On with iPhone Users

VentureBeat writes about the success of Lexcycle's Stanza e-reader for the iPhone, and speculates that this type of platform will be far more successful than dedicated reader devices: Stanza is currently the number one ebook app for the iPhone, and chief operating officer Neelan Choksi shared some other impressive stats with me. In its first six weeks, Stanza was…

Moving Ebooks into Mobility Culture

Sherman Young writes about how ebooks should be seen in the context of mobile platforms and as part of mobility culture. From M/C Journal: Instead of seeking to make an e-book culture a replacement for print culture, effectively placing the reading of books in a silo separated from other day-to-day activities, it might be better to situate e-books within a…

Tim O'Reilly: Social Networks as Infrastructure, Not Apps

Using Amazon's acquisition of Shelfari as a jumping-off point, Tim O'Reilly stresses the need for social network interoperability. From Radar: Some of my friends prefer LibraryThing. Others may prefer Shelfari. But I only network with those on Goodreads because that's the service I ended up using first. What a shame that I can't see what my friends on LibraryThing…

Open Question: Do You Read Books on a Cell Phone?

I've run into a number of people who say they've read ebooks for years on their mobile phones. I'm curious to see how prevalent this is within the TOC Community.

Q&A with Developer Who Turns Ebooks into iPhone Applications

Tom Peck transforms ebooks into individual iPhone applications. In this Q&A, Peck discusses his development process and consumer response.

Books Fail to Crack Top 100 in iTunes App Store

Analysis from O'Reilly Radar shows that the Books category in the App Store is lagging behind others.

A Big Boost to Books as Apps?

Books as standalone apps have already proven popular enough for Apple to add "Books" as a category. There are several important implications of this for publishers.

Cloud Computing's Potential Impact on Publishing

The move toward "cloud"-based content distribution raises a host of issues relevant to book publishing. Here's a few that popped onto our radar.

Open Question: Should Publishers Develop Software Apps?

The debate around publishers' response to the new iPhone brings up an interesting question: should publishers develop their own software? Please share your thoughts.