ENTRIES TAGGED "documentation"

Worldwide Lexicon: matching up technologies and culture to end the language barrier

Worldwide Lexicon: matching up technologies and culture to end the language barrier

Essays by Brian McConnell of

World Wide Lexicon

and Ethan Zuckerman

Global Voices

describe the technical and cultural sides of developing communities of
volunteer translators.

World Wide Lexicon Toolbar changes the reading experience for the other 99% of web pages

World Wide Lexicon Toolbar changes the reading experience for the other 99% of web pages

World Wide Lexicon Toolbar meets my criterion for a piece of critical infrastructure: after two days with it I can't get along without it, and I plan to avoid any
browser that doesn't have it installed.

Four roles for publishers: staying relevant when you are no longer a gatekeeper

In many areas of publishing, there are enormous resources of free
online material and innumerable forums where individuals can quickly
and conveniently post their own observations. Since we are no longer
gatekeepers, publishers have to focus on how we add quality.