The give and take between e-publishing standards and innovation

The give and take between e-publishing standards and innovation

Bill McCoy on EPUB 3 and keeping pace with innovation.

In this video interview, Bill McCoy, executive director of the IDPF, says it's important to emphasize and encourage the innovative aspects of building upon EPUB 3, as long as that innovation doesn't lock consumers in to one closed silo.

EPUB 3: Building a standard on unstable ground

EPUB 3: Building a standard on unstable ground

Matt Garrish on the work behind the EPUB 3 specification.

"What is EPUB 3?" author Matt Garrish explains how EPUB 3 is shaped by web standards and how it addresses accessibility. He also shares his thoughts on Amazon's KF8 and why EPUB will stay one step ahead of the competition.

PDF vs. EPUB vs. Mobi Format Download Comparison for oreilly.com

UPDATE: Additional view showing relative volume, rather than percentage. I'm honored to have been elected to the IDPF Board of Directors, and will use the occasion to share some interesting data about download formats from oreilly.com. For most of our titles, we offer three different (DRM-free) formats: PDF, EPUB, and Kindle-compatible Mobipocket. PDF continues to be the most popular format,…

News Roundup: Digging Around Amazon's Topaz Format, Twitter Novels, June Ebook Sales Up 87% Over '07

Digging Around Amazon's Topaz File Format Late Night Code is popping the hood on Topaz, that mysterious "other" file format used on the Kindle: Mobipocket files purchased from Amazon have an AZW extension (which presumably stands for Amazon Whispernet – the name of the Kindle wireless download service). Mobipocket files from other sources will have a MOBI or PRC…

IDPF: Boundaries of Participation

I wanted to add a few of my own thoughts to Andrew's last post on the AAP and the IDPF. I agree that there is too much emphasis on a replication of the print page, and too little engagement in re-envisioning the product so that it supports a diversity of distribution channels and ultimately, product conceptualizations. For that matter, many…

Another Perspective on the AAP/EPUB Endorsement

Adobe’s Bill McCoy has responded to my post on the AAP’s endorsement of the EPUB format over on his blog: Andrew says he’s "not clear why it’s the IDPF’s problem to deal with conversion into non-standard formats" and quality assurance of the results. But this is the AAP, comprised solely of publishers, speaking to the IDPF, a broader group…

AAP Passive-Aggressively Endorses EPUB

Note: Most of this post was drafted on the train ride back from New York on Wednesday night, and I held off posting it because I thought it sounded too snarky. Well, a day later I still think it sounds snarky, but that's a consequence of how strongly I feel about this stuff. I really do have a lot…