ENTRIES TAGGED "social media"

Why Blogging and Social Media Shouldn't be Ignored

Consistent blogging and Web-based interaction often fall by the wayside when other projects demand attention, but venture capitalist Fred Wilson makes a compelling argument for keeping connectivity on the front burner. He charts the trajectory of a recent post focusing on Boxee, one of his investment companies: it went from a blog, to Techmeme, and then looped back into…

Web Publicity Grows Up, Learns the Value of Conversation

Web publicity works best when the audience is spoken with, not at.

Twitter Tips for Publishers

Mark Bertils makes the case for Twitter use and offers eight tips for tweeting publishers. From Index // mb: For a minimal investment of time, you can ping a heap of people. Why wouldn't a book publisher want to do that? Truth is, most already do. Email newsletters blast-out to book readers from all over. Publishers' feeds and podcasts…

A Look at Book Publishing's Opportunities in Digital Marketing

Richard Bawden and Mark Harding from KPMG discuss future scenarios for book marketing and product enhancement: With virtual worlds like Second Life and social networking destined to splinter into hubs focused on shared interests, publishers and retailers are in a strong position to leverage people's love of books … Publishers must also consider how books on screen can enhance…

Early Look at HarperCollins' Social Network for Writers

HarperCollins' social network for burgeoning authors, Authonomy, is now in private beta. Booktwo.org provides an analysis: The real challenge, of course, is to persuade wannabe writers to post their work at all — in my own personal experience, unpublished writers are terrified of their work being 'stolen', enough to be suspicious of publishers themselves, let alone your average web…

Opportunities in Book Publishing and Web Communities

Book publishers have a unique opportunity to find and foster Web communities.

The (Online) World of the Economist

In New York for the O’Reilly Tools of Change for Publishing conference, I had the opportunity to speak with Wendy Elman, the VP of Marketing at The Economist’s economist.com. Ms. Elman’s background is in book publishing, and she joined The Economist in July 2007. Ms. Elman commented that the driving goals of The Economist are to earnestly seek change, while…