Do agent-publishers carry a conflict of interest?

Do agent-publishers carry a conflict of interest?

How agent-publishers came to be, and what they mean for the publishing world.

Booksquare's Kassia Krozser discusses the emerging agent-publisher role, and why she's concerned about a conflict of interest.

Publishing's tech and edit worlds converge

Publishing's tech and edit worlds converge

The Books in Browsers conference is underway.

The Books in Browsers conference kicked off this morning. Keynotes, interviews and presentations are being livestreamed today and tomorrow.

TOC Frankfurt launches with a global ebook market survey

TOC Frankfurt launches with a global ebook market survey

Free report: "The Global eBook Market: Current Conditions & Future Projections"

"The Global eBook Market" survey examines how the main drivers of digital change in the publishing industry impact emerging ebook markets across Europe, Brazil and China.

Textbooks should not be consumed in isolation

Textbooks should not be consumed in isolation

How Inkling brings a community of learners into the textbook experience.

In this TOC Podcast, Matt MacInnis, founder and CEO of Inkling, talks about how his company is designing textbooks to treat content as one of the ways to learn from the book.

Papercut has designs on a new storytelling genre

Papercut has designs on a new storytelling genre

Papercut looks to create an experience that falls somewhere between text and a movie.

In this TOC podcast, ustwo head of publishing Jonas Lennermo says his company's new iPad product, Papercut, is a publishing platform, a storefront, and a storytelling experiment.

Promoting free downloads to increase revenue

Promoting free downloads to increase revenue

Nelson Saba on how freemium is helping his Glo Bible app.

Publishers continue to struggle with the concept of a freemium business model. In this TOC podcast, Nelson Saba, CEO of Immersion Digital, talks about his Glo Bible app and how upgrade conversion rates are surprisingly good.