Google Book Search: It's All About the Index

The public's incorrect assumptions about Google products, including Book Search, misses Google's bigger focus on platform creation.

Calling Google a Publisher Underestimates its Platform

Misrepresenting Google and other platform companies limits opportunities for publishers.

News Roundup: Borders Cuts 274 Positions, Kindle Hacks, Google Taking Long View on Book Search

Borders Cuts 274 Positions Borders is cutting 274 jobs, with most of the hit being absorbed by corporate groups within the company's Ann Arbor, Mich. headquarters. From Publishers Weekly: Borders stressed that with a few exceptions none of the cuts came at the store level and a spokesperson said there are no plans to reduce the number of store employees….

Google Taking Long View on Book Search

With Microsoft abandoning Live Search Books, eWEEK turns the spotlight on Google Book Search: … the smart strategy would be for Google to advance its effort from the "not-too-distant future" to the present. Google can pretty much corner the market at this point. Google was asked by eWEEK when it could expect to see some Book Search results, but…

News Roundup: Kindle Price Drop and Rough Title Figures, Borders Goes Solo on New Web Site, Long-Term Google Questions

Kindle Bits: Price Drop and Rough Title Sales Figures Speaking at the D6 Conference, Jeff Bezos offered a glimpse into the Kindle's sales impact. From D6 Highlights: On a title-by-title basis, [Bezos] says, Kindle unit sales now account for more than 6% of Amazon book sales for the 120,000 titles that are available on Kindle. Amazon has also dropped…

Long-Term Questions Around Google and Content

Martyn Daniels offers long-view questions around Google's copying of content from publisher books: Publishers have in many cases argued it is healthy to give them [Google] content as they drive up sales, others that they are stealing it. Whatever your viewpoint the question that must be answered is what do they intend to do with it tomorrow? Will they…

News Roundup: Google Mobile App Taps Amazon for Data, Orphan Works and Copyright Confusion, Arguing Against "Freemium," Digital Marketing Examples for Publishers, DRM on Comeback Trail?

A Google-Amazon Mobile Application Android Scan, one of the winners from the Google Android Developer Challenge, uses cell phone cameras and barcode recognition to tap into Amazon's review database. (Continue reading) Orphan Works Legislation and Copyright Conundrums Kenny Crews at Collectanea says the orphan works bills in the House and Senate impose hurdles for scholarly/research/casual uses. Crews offers a real…

A Google-Amazon Mobile Application?

Android Scan, one of the winners from the Google Android Developer Challenge, uses cell phone cameras and barcode recognition to tap into Amazon's review database. From Silicon Valley Insider: Scan barcodes on any book or CD when you’re in a store and your phone will pull up Amazon reviews and check local library listings to see if the book is…

News Roundup: Google's Book Scanning, Kindle's Future Path, Authorship Increases Exponentially, Amazon Takes on "Amazon Tax," 5 DRM Messes

A Glimpse into Google's Book Scanning Google doesn't divulge specifics about its proprietary book scanning set-up, but the Associated Press offers a brief look into the manual scanning process used for old/fragile titles. (Continue reading) Kindle's All-Encompassing Future Path Jeff Nolan writes about the path of the Kindle: It's clear that [Jeff] Bezos sees a day when any and all…

Google Opens Book Search with API

Google Book Search images and results can now be embedded directly into external Web sites thanks to a new API.