Pan Macmillan Plans Ebooks Showing Edits and Changes

Pan Macmillan is releasing ebooks with extra sauce. From thedigitalist.net: The idea that a special edition eBook can contain marginal material produced before, during, or after a print edition features in two other eBooks to be published by Picador this year. Sid Smith’s China Dreams, which we published in hardback in January 2007 and in paperback in January 2008, will…

Penguin UK to Release Print and Ebook Editions Simultaneously

Beginning in September, print and ebook versions of Penguin UK's new titles will be available simultaneously for the same price. Digital editions will be made available in .epub format through Penguin's Web sites and via retailers. From The Bookseller: [Penguin] digital director Genevieve Shore described the move as "an important step." She said: "We have seen in other markets…

Roundup: Free Doesn't Always Apply, Kindle's Ebook Impact, Indie Bookstores and Chains Face Same Competitor, UK Publishers and Amazon in Price Battle, Borders Gets a Better Deal

Free Doesn't Work for Every Company From Peter Brantley: Hank Williams of Why Does Everything Suck? does an informal economic critique of Chris Anderson's "things tend to free" hypothesis: "Some of you will argue that Google does fine based purely on advertising. But just because one company can commoditize everyone else's work and make pennies on things that used to…

Cultural Amnesia Ebook: Bonus Material and DRM-Free

The ebook version of Clive James' Cultural Amnesia includes three additional essays that were not included in the print editions. In a note on the Cultural Amnesia blog, Pan MacMillan project manager James Long says the additional material acts as an "extension of the scope of Cultural Amnesia … and as a preview of writing that will be included…

An Educated Guess at Kindle's Impact

Kindle sales figures aren't available and the devices are still sold out, but the Associated Press notes a connection between the Kindle's Nov. '07 release and an uptick in ebook sales across the industry: Publishing officials are reluctant to discuss sales figures, but say that they have seen double digit increases in e-book sales since the Kindle's release, including…