ENTRIES TAGGED "future of publishing"

Publishing News: The threat of censorship, from a non-government entity

Publishing News: The threat of censorship, from a non-government entity

PayPal is censoring, pirates are opportunities, and newspapers are doomed.

PayPal's demand on Smashwords is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Elsewhere, proposals to get publishers past piracy and a newspaper study reports grim results.

Publishing News: Apple's textbook foray may not be as disruptive as it hoped

Publishing News: Apple's textbook foray may not be as disruptive as it hoped

Apple takes on textbooks, an insider dishes on publishing denial, and how SOPA would affect publishing.

Apple’s big event this week marked the first step in its disruption of education — or did it? Elsewhere, a publishing insider calls it like it is, and (finally) the SOPA/PIPA discussion includes the publishing industry.

Social is an integral part of tomorrow's reading experience

Social is an integral part of tomorrow's reading experience

When social reading is done right, it's like a great conversation with interesting people.

In this audio podcast, mobNotate's Ricky Wong and Sean Gerrish talk about how mobNotate connects readers and content, why a social reading environment works, and what such an environment looks like.

Open Question: Is it realistic for publishers to cut Amazon out of the equation?

Open Question: Is it realistic for publishers to cut Amazon out of the equation?

Charlie Stross argued that publishers are cutting their own throats with DRM. But should we drop DRM or just drop Amazon?

Author Charlie Stross argued recently that Amazon's growing position toward a monopoly can largely be attributed to publishers' use of DRM. A back-channel discussion brewed about whether cutting Amazon out of the picture entirely would be a viable solution.

Quid pro quo will define the author-publisher relationship

Quid pro quo will define the author-publisher relationship

Peter Meyers on HTML5, ebook formats and the evolution of publishers and authors.

In this video interview, author and digital book producer Peter Meyers addresses the state of ebooks and book apps and weighs in on the changing relationship between authors and publishers.

A war story, a Kindle Single, and hope for long-form journalism

A war story, a Kindle Single, and hope for long-form journalism

Marc Herman on why he published "The Shores of Tripoli" as a Kindle Single.

Instead of walking his latest long-form story door to door, freelance journalist Marc Herman decided to blaze his own trail — he published the story as a Kindle Single. In this interview he talks about the Kindle Single experience and offers his take on the future of journalism.

Research and restraint: Two more things to add to your digital publishing toolkit

Research and restraint: Two more things to add to your digital publishing toolkit

"Breaking the Page" author Peter Meyers on the tools, tech and future of digital publishing.

Since 2009, Peter Meyers has immersed himself in the tools and companies in the digital publishing world. Here he shares what he's learned, who's doing digital publishing well, and what's surprised him.

Exposing content via APIs

Exposing content via APIs

Fluidinfo's Terry Jones on the role of APIs in the future of publishing.

APIs enable developers to work with your content like a box of Legos, building solutions you may never have dreamed of. In this TOC podcast, Fluidinfo CEO Terry Jones says the real world is "writable" and describes how APIs can offer powerful publishing solutions.