How To Read O'Reilly EPUB eBooks on your iPhone with Stanza

Update 12/1/08: O'Reilly ebooks can now be downloaded directly to an iPhone or iPod Touch through Stanza. Learn more here. Since we released 30 of our books as ebook bundles (including EPUB, PDF, and Kindle-compatible Mobipocket format) as a pilot program, a steady stream of customers has been asking how to view them on their iPhone. The quickest and easiest…

Open Question: Do You Read Books on a Cell Phone?

I've run into a number of people who say they've read ebooks for years on their mobile phones. I'm curious to see how prevalent this is within the TOC Community.

Q&A with Developer Who Turns Ebooks into iPhone Applications

Tom Peck transforms ebooks into individual iPhone applications. In this Q&A, Peck discusses his development process and consumer response.

Commentary: Apple Could Own the Ebook Category

Guest contributor John Conley says Apple's brand power and core competencies could pose a significant threat to Amazon's Kindle.

Books Fail to Crack Top 100 in iTunes App Store

Analysis from O'Reilly Radar shows that the Books category in the App Store is lagging behind others.

TOC Recommended Reading

Could the iPhone be a Kindle Killer? (Bill Trippe, Gilbane Publishing Practice Blog) Here's a project I would love to do if I had the time–a face-off between Kindle, the iPhone, the Sony Reader, an eBook Technologies ETI-1, and a few other devices. Take a few book types–novel, textbook, graphical book, business document to begin with–and create a feature…

A Big Boost to Books as Apps?

Books as standalone apps have already proven popular enough for Apple to add "Books" as a category. There are several important implications of this for publishers.

News Roundup: iPhone Apps Developer Shocked by Windfall, Author Reaps Rewards of Web Openness, Comcast Buys Web Publisher for $125 Million

iPhone Apps Developer "Shell Shocked" by Outsized Payday Seth Weintraub over at 9to5Mac reports on the outsized success of at least one iPhone Apps developer, Eliza Block, who’s now earning an unexpected $2,000 a day from her crossword puzzle app, 2Across. Noteworthy certainly, but also instructive about the platform Apple has created for what can certainly be called "self…

Mobile Frenzy Feeds Mobile Carriers

During the "2018: Life on the Net" panel at the Fortune Brainstorm: Tech conference, Joichi Ito noted that money sometimes follows money in a not necessarily thoughtful manner. One example is in mobile, where the mobile frenzy is in actuality pumping very significant amounts of money into the carriers' pockets. It's an important point to remember. Here's the clip from…

Open Question: Should Publishers Develop Software Apps?

The debate around publishers' response to the new iPhone brings up an interesting question: should publishers develop their own software? Please share your thoughts.