TOC Recommended Reading

Could the iPhone be a Kindle Killer? (Bill Trippe, Gilbane Publishing Practice Blog)

Here’s a project I would love to do if I had the time–a face-off between Kindle, the iPhone, the Sony Reader, an eBook Technologies ETI-1, and a few other devices. Take a few book types–novel, textbook, graphical book, business document to begin with–and create a feature matrix and evaluation criteria.

Random Ebook Thoughts From A Jetlagged Mind (Kassia Krozser, Booksquare)

Here’s a truth: ebooks sell far better than numbers from traditional publishers indicate. This is because there’s a huge market for erotica out there. Women buy erotic ebooks instead of purchasing physical books because, well, if you’re female and over thirty, you’ve been taught that good girls don’t go there. Actually, good girls do. They just do it under the radar.

Why blog publishing ‘failed’ in the UK (Ashley Norris, TechCrunch UK)

… many brands and their agency planers have chosen to play it safe and will work with established media brands or mega portals like MSN, even when the ads themselves will be seen by a less focussed and often an inappropriate audience

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