ENTRIES TAGGED "long tail"

Long Tail iTunes Book Apps Are More Expensive

Long Tail iTunes Book Apps Are More Expensive

In an earlier post, I examined the average price of the Top 100 PAID apps and noted that the relationship between price and popularity was somewhat dependent on the category. But in the Book category, I concluded that the Top 10 PAID apps were on average cheaper than those ranked 91-100. But what if we examine all Book apps, will the long tail apps be pricier?

Anecdotal Evidence from the Digital Shift

Back in 2004, when I spent most of my time doing format conversions and production automation, I had the privilege of turning much of what I learned doing things like batch running Word macros from the DOS command line with Ruby into a book, Word Hacks. Like our other Hacks books, it's a lesson in the value of curation and…

Long Tail Evidence from The App Store

Last week we released 16 of our books as iPhone Apps (and on Saturday added The Twitter Book), and there's some interesting Long Tail data coming in. We've seen Long Tail behavior in the data from Safari Books Online and from Google Book Search, though in this case it's about geography: even though regions like Colombia, Belgium, and Greece are…

Open Question: What is the Best Use for Print on Demand?

Is print on demand best suited for short print runs and Long Tail plays, or can it be used for more? Come share your thoughts on POD.

Borders Stores Turn Back on Long Tail

Borders is using its limited shelf space to give top selling books the "face-out" treatment. Poor sellers need not apply.