The Virtues of Print in a Web 2.0 World

Dale Dougherty, the publisher of Make: Magazine did a brief interview with Publishing Executive Magazine, which included some great thoughts on how print publishers can harness the power of Web 2.0 while also playing to their own strengths. INBOX: How can magazine publishers best capitalize on Web 2.0 for their own publications? DOUGHERTY: One idea is to ask yourself the…

Nature Precedings: Early Access to Scientific Results

Timo Hannay, Nature's Director of Web Publishing, sent out the following note in email: Since you've been kind enough to express an interest in Nature web projects in the past, I thought I'd let you know about our latest baby: Nature Precedings. The traditional way for scientists to share their research results is through journals. These have the benefit of…

Journalism Through Computer Programming

As I've noted previously, Adrian Holovaty, the creator of Django and the Chicagocrime.org mashup, gives a great talk entitled Journalism Through Computer Programming. I refer to it often in my own talks on the future of publishing. Adrian's point is that the various jobs of journalism — gathering news, exercising editorial judgment, and presenting the story — can all be…