TOC Trifecta: This week’s trio of must-read articles (Sept. 14, 2012)

Kindle Serials, platform domination, and reading robots

  1. Reading while the book is still being written — Among Amazon’s many announcements this week was Kindle Serials, the rebirth of a very old model known as serial publishing.
  2. Who’s afraid of Amazon? — Apple & Google should be, according to this article about hardware and platforms.
  3. Technology shapes art — That’s how Amazon’s enhanced X-ray feature is described in this insightful piece.
Each of these articles were featured in this week’s TOC newsletter. They’re the best of the best. We spend (way too) many hours reading every publishing article, blog post, and tweet so that you don’t have to. If you find our filtering of the content fire hose useful be sure to sign up here for your own subscription to our weekly newsletter.