Addressing the state of econtent

Addressing the state of econtent

Javier Celaya on the future of ereading and epublishing.

In this podcast, Dosdoce Digital Culture's Javier Celaya sat down with Joe Wikert to discuss what may impact the future of econtent, including sales, devices, service and DRM.

TOC Debate: Amazon vs Apple

TOC Debate: Amazon vs Apple

Joe Wikert takes on Kassia Krozser in the first TOC Debate webcast.

Which ebook platform is mightier? Find out when Team Bezos (Joe Wikert) takes on Team Jobs (Kassia Krozser) in a free webcast on Thursday, Sept. 15, at 10 am PT.

Publishing News: Amazon launched the HTML5 Kindle Cloud Reader

Publishing News: Amazon launched the HTML5 Kindle Cloud Reader

Amazon continues its "be everywhere" approach, publishing survey results are optimistic, and a lawsuit against Apple and five US publishers was filed.

In the latest edition of publishing news, the Kindle Cloud Reader's HTML5 platform offers a new level of content ubiquity, BookStats latest survey shows optimistic results for publishers, and a Seattle law firm alleges Apple and five US publishers colluded.

Publishing News: Apple's new in-app rules cause a minor dustup

Publishing News: Apple's new in-app rules cause a minor dustup

Apple enforces its new app rules, World Book Night goes global, and publishing needs to be more entrepreneurial.

B&N, Amazon and Google had to scurry as Apple began enforcing its new in-app rules, the U.S. jumped on board for World Book Night 2012, and Todd Sattersten showed publishers what they can learn from tech startups.

Publishing News: Apple shifts on subs

Publishing News: Apple shifts on subs

Apple softens its subscription position, metadata could improve academic searches, and ebooks offer a new purpose for edits.

In the latest Publishing News: Readability's co-founder Richard Ziade offers his take on Apple's policy reversal, Creative Commons and the Association of Educational Publishers delve into web search, and Pete Meyers takes a look at the art of editing in storytelling.

Apple's in-app shift: What does it mean for publishers?

Apple's in-app shift: What does it mean for publishers?

Readability's Richard Ziade on the softening of Apple's in-app subscription rules.

As Apple softens its position on in-app subscription rules, publishing companies and developers gain more elbow room. Richard Ziade, founding partner of Readability, says resulting simplicity and flexibility could result in more interesting iOS apps.

The competition for app subscriptions

The competition for app subscriptions

Subscription competition could yield one good thing: lower price points.

Apple may have a lion's share of the tablet and app markets now, but new competition may create a more level playing field.

Publishing News: Week in Review

Publishing News: Week in Review

The American Chemical Society gets recognized for its app, Bloomsbury changes focus on rights, and the tablet wars flare up

In this week's edition of Publishing News: The American Chemical Society's slick mobile app gets recognized, Bloomsbury ditched its territory structure, and HP took aim at Apple with its TouchPad tablet and publisher-friendly subscription policies.

Let the tablet wars begin

Let the tablet wars begin

As Apple ruffles feathers, HP's TouchPad -- and some of its subscription terms -- are unveiled

HP is squaring up against Apple with its new TouchPad tablet and new subscription terms with Time Inc.

Does Apple's newly enforced policy really benefit Apple?

Reactions to Apple's rejection of the Sony Reader indicate Apple might not come out on top of this one.

Apple rejected the Sony Reader app, (suddenly?) enforcing a policy that requires apps to include an in-app purchasing option. The waters are muddy and nobody is really certain what Apple is doing, but the publishing world isn't taking Apple's lumps quietly.