Will Golan v. Holder affect the Google Books settlement?

Will Golan v. Holder affect the Google Books settlement?

Dana Newman on how a separate copyright case relates to Google Books.

The Google Books ruling raised an interesting question in regard to copyright. If Congress is to be the judge on that issue, will further negotiations be affected by the ongoing Golan v. Holder copyright case?

Baby bibs to dog clothes to … publishing's salvation?

Baby bibs to dog clothes to … publishing's salvation?

Margaret Atwood offers a blunt assessment of author merchandise.

Some contend authors can mimic rock bands and earn revenue through merchandise. Margaret Atwood, an author who's dabbled in merchandising, has some choice thoughts on that subject.

Publishers: What are they good for?

Publishers: What are they good for?

O'Reilly editors examine the role of traditional publishers in light of Amanda Hocking's independent success.

News of author Amanda Hocking achieving success without the help of a traditional publisher led O'Reilly editors to question the purpose and future of publishers. This post collects excerpts from a recent back-channel conversation.

Digital authors need a whole new set of skills

Digital authors need a whole new set of skills

Dana Newman on how authors can best embrace the e-pocalypse.

Dana Newman, a transactional and intellectual property attorney, on how authors should change behaviors and actions to protect themselves in — and make the most of — the digital age.

An era in which to curate skills

An era in which to curate skills

Amidst disruption, publishing still relies on research, sales, authoring, and curation.

Three days of intensive discussion about the current state of publishing at TOC 2011 revealed that research, sales, authoring, and curation are all still important skills.

Margaret Atwood on solar flares and author needs

Margaret Atwood on solar flares and author needs

Margaret Atwood brought an author's perspective and deadpan humor to TOC 2011.

At TOC 2011, Margaret Atwood reminded publishers that as they blithely move into digital they'd be wise to remember authors. Plus: Why you might want to invest in a lead-lined safe.

Book^2 Camp opens the lines of communication

People from across the publishing world came together for a pre-TOC unconference.

Book^2 Camp attendees were impressed with the open-forum setting that brought together people from all areas of publishing — authors, publishers, distributors, programmers, and many others.

Author, sell thyself (but in a good way)

Authors who want to jump into Twitter, Facebook and all the rest should pay heed to Chris Brogan. He's spent years — more than a decade — carrying on a conversation with his audience. Take a look at the sheer number of @ replies in his Twitter feed and you'll see how seriously he takes this stuff. In the…

New on O'Reilly Labs: Open Feedback Publishing System

O'Reilly engineer Keith Fahlgren has formally launched our new Open Feedback Publishing System over on O'Reilly Labs: Over the last few years, traditional publishing has been moving closer to the web and learning a lot of lessons from blogs and wikis, in particular. Today we're happy to announce another small step in that direction: our first manuscript (Programming Scala) is…

Authoring Tools from Alpha Geeks

Cory Doctorow (@doctorow) has posted a nice article covering some of the tools he's built or borrowed to make his writing life more manageable. I'm especially intrigued by the Flashbake project, which augments simple use of version control (something many of our authors have been using for years, and which we use extensively in our production toolchain) to automatically capture…