Loathe your Kindle? Swap it for a bunch of books

Loathe your Kindle? Swap it for a bunch of books

A Portland, Ore. bookstore is offering a dollar-for-dollar Kindle trade-in.

A bookstore in Portland, Ore., will exchange unwanted Kindles for paper books. But what to do with all those Kindles? That's where Worldreader.org might provide a solution.

Suggestion for Amazon: Open source the Kindle apps

Suggestion for Amazon: Open source the Kindle apps

Open source development could lead to a world class set of ereader apps.

Joe Wikert has some advice for Amazon: Turn the Kindle apps into open source projects and enlist the help of the community to enhance and improve them.

Bookish Techy Week in Review

Lots of launches this week Google ebook store, Amazon web-based Kindle, Figment, and Open Bookmarks BMXL and Open Wiki

In the latest Bookish Techy Week in Review: Google ebook store opens; Seth Godin plays with the Domino Project; Kobo launches Reading Life; and IA unveils a new browser-based book reader.

Bookish Techy Week in Review

Bookish Techy Week in Review

Defending the web; Amazon on course to dominate the world; Cooks Source throws in the towel; Ari Emanuel takes on the publishing industry

In the latest Bookish Techy Week in Review: Berners-Lee defends the web; Amazon launches Kindle book gifting; Cooks Source folds; and Hachette Livre comes to an agreement with Google.

Bookish Techy Week in Review

Books in Browsers; social networks for teen readers; sharing-enabled Kindles; and ebooks aren't scary.

In what was a very social bookish-techy week, Books in Browsers inspired much discussion of shared reading; bookish social networks launched – and shuttered; Amazon announced that Kindle will soon be sharing-enabled; and the new color nook was announced.

Bookish Techy Week in Review

Amazon is everywhere; iBookstore fails to impress; ereader incompetence checklist; and challenges for the ebook industry in Argentina.

This week we noticed lots of good news for Amazon/Kindle; not the greatest review of iBookstore; HP's print-on-demand pilots gain ground; and advice for would-be Android readers.

Neat visualization of download ratios for ebook formats offered by O'Reilly

Neat visualization of download ratios for ebook formats offered by O'Reilly

PDF has competition from EPUB.

We track the ebook formats customers actually download, and from the start PDF has been the dominant choice. But as this post's associated chart shows, there's been a steady shift toward other formats.

Bookish Techy Week in Review

Contrarian views on ereading's merits, Google Editions still MIA, and new interactive apps from Lonely Planet and Gourmet.

This week we noticed: the Chronicle of Higher Ed worrying about ereading's effects on youth, while a Harris poll suggested ereaders read more; fall showed up but Google Editions did not; the ECPA doesn't do a lot to protect privacy in the cloud; certain libraries are lending things they probably shouldn't be; and TOC Frankfurt is just around the corner.

Nearly 1,000 additional O'Reilly and Microsoft Press ebooks now available in Kindle Store

Nearly 1,000 additional O'Reilly and Microsoft Press ebooks are now available in the Kindle store, and include a special upgrade offer for access to additional formats and free lifetime updates through oreilly.com for $4.99.

Ebook Reseller Wishlist/Scorecard

I spend a lot of time talking with companies that want to resell O'Reilly ebooks. Some are large companies you've certainly heard of, others are small startups that haven't yet launched. But what's remarkably consistent is that few of them offer many of the options and features we at O'Reilly consider critical for customers. Because I'm sure these will come…